VIDEO! Kiusamisest ja “Kiusamisest vabaks!” metoodikast rahvusvahelisel taustal (inglise keeles)

Hey! … Stop the bullying!

Bullying among young people is nothing new. But there is now increasing talk of the need to raise awareness about the devastating impact on people’s lives and to find effective methods to tackle bullying and prevent it.

Most countries have some kind of initiative to address the problem; some even have laws that can be used. But with bullying behaviour also now an issue in cyber space, there is debate about what is the best solution.

Denmark is one of the countries where the issue is often talked about. Surveys in the late 90s showed that a quarter of 11 to 15-year-olds had experienced bullying among children.

In Copenhagen Right On spoke to one teenager who suffered harassment over a four-year period.

“My teachers helped me all they could, but it didn’t help with the students, so I had to change my school,” said the 15-year-old girl. “It was like bullying because of my name, what my name is, like they didn’t think I was Danish. And they bullied me saying that I was fat. I came home from school every day and cried. They were just bullying me with everything I said, everything I did. So I had to change my school.”

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